Commissioning RevPi DIO | DI | DO

Commissioning RevPi DIO | DI | DO


Here is a practical example of implementing a High-Side circuit with a RevPi DIO | DO module.

Useful information for this article:


A high-side switch refers only to the position of the switch. A high-side switch switches the positive supply voltage. See the illustration below.

All 14 output ports can supply 500mA simultaneously, in high-side mode.
All outputs can be individually set to push-pull, which is the default setting, or to high-side mode.

If the module gets too warm, all ports are switched off. This prevents the device from being damaged.
See under the tuple “Status” under the following link https://revolutionpi.com/tutorials/overview-revpi-i-o-modules/konfiguration-dio-di-do/


Connect The Revolution Pi DIO as in the Following picture

Be aware that the ground of the X2 connector and the X4 connector are galvanically isolated.