Commissioning RevPi DIO | DI | DO
Here is a practical example of implementing a High-Side circuit with a RevPi DIO | DO module.
Useful information for this article:
RevPi Documentation | Industrial Raspberry Pi
A high-side switch refers only to the position of the switch. A high-side switch switches the positive supply voltage. See the illustration below.
All 14 output ports can supply 500mA simultaneously, in high-side mode.
All outputs can be individually set to push-pull, which is the default setting, or to high-side mode.
If the module gets too warm, all ports are switched off. This prevents the device from being damaged.
See under the tuple “Status” under the following link RevPi Documentation | Industrial Raspberry Pi
Connect The Revolution Pi DIO as in the Following picture
Be aware that the ground of the X2 connector and the X4 connector are galvanically isolated.
Connect 12V -24V to the X4 plug located on the bottom of the device.
Connect 12V -24V to the X2 plug on the top of the unit to supply power to the output ports.
Connect 12V -24V to the X2 plug on the top of the unit to supply power to the Input ports.
Connect all the grounds marked on the plugs X4 and X2 together.
Connect one port from Output 1 to 14 to the electrical consumer [M], [M] can be a 24V LED
Connect the ground from the electrical consumer [M] to the same ground as the Revolution Pi (X4 plug)
Connect the extension module with a base module
Connect the Revolution Pi DIO to the Revolution Pi, with a PiBridge.
PiCtory Configuration
The following describes how to set up the PiCtory configuration to run the DIO in high-side mode.
For this example, you can use a Revolution Pi Core or Connect. The only difference for this example is which base module is inserted into PiCtory.
Set output to high-Side mode
for high-side mode, 2 bytes are available to switch each output from push-pull to high-side.
Set the corresponding bit to 1 for high-side mode and 0 for push-pull mode. The default value is 0x0000.
For example, you want to run Output O_14, O_10 and O_2 in high-side mode.
The Binary value is 00101000000000102 = 10.24210
10.242 is the decimal value you need to enter into the corresponding field.
Save the config like in the picture below, with “Save as Start-Config”. This Configuration will be loaded at each boot.
Now you have to reset the driver.
Tools → “Reset Driver”
piTest -x #driver reset
Switching output with piTest from PiControl
Check that the Revolution Pi DIO is detected correctly.
piTest -d
Found 2 devices:
Address: 0 module type: 105 (0x69) RevPi Connect V1.0
Module is present
input offset: 113 length: 6
output offset: 119 length: 5
Address: 31 module type: 96 (0x60) RevPi DIO V1.4
Module is present
input offset: 0 length: 70
output offset: 70 length: 18
Control of the DIO Output ports
Switch Output 1 (0_1)
If output 1 = 1, the circuit is closed.
If output 1 = 0, then the circuit is not closed.
Here is a practical example of implementing a push-pull circuit with a RevPi DIO | DO module.
Useful information for this article:
RevPi Documentation | Industrial Raspberry Pi
Here, there are two possibilities for a circuit:
Be aware that the ground of the X2 connector and the X4 connector are galvanically isolated.
Push Mode
Pull Mode
PiCtory Configuration
The register “OutputPushPull” contains a bit field in which is defined which function is active:
0 := Push-Pull
1 := High-Side
For example, the following configuration should be created:
11 1111 1111 1110 dual = 16382 decimal
Write the decimal value into the variable “OutputPushPull”
Save the PiCtory configuration
Restart cyclic data communication
Read input values
How to read values from the inputs of the RevPi DIO | DI
Input Mode
If you would like to know more about the input modes, please watch our video.
RevPi Documentation | Industrial Raspberry Pi | Tutorial 14 – Counter and Encoder
if you want to use an encoder an any input port of the RevPi DIO | DI. then set the variable
InputMode_x_yz to Encoder
All inputs, of the DIO, DI that have been activated, can count individually on rising or falling edge.
To read the value of on counting register:
If there are incorrect inputs, you should switch on the debouncing. By default, this is switched off.
Set it to 25us, 750us or 3ms.
To activate the PWM signal, you have to set the following variable to 1.
In the PiCtory you can configure the period of the PWM Signal
This function is available on the RevPi DIO | DO
each individual output can send out a PWM signal.
You can select only one frequency for all outputs.
Note: If you would like to know more about the input modes, please watch our video.
RevPi Documentation | Industrial Raspberry Pi | Tutorial 15 – PWM on RevPi DIO
RevPi Documentation | Industrial Raspberry Pi
Further Information
RevolutionPi IO-Modules FAQ | How to wire the RevolutionPi AIO, MIO, DIO, DI, DO modules?
RevolutionPi IO-Modules FAQ | How much RevPi IO Modules can I connect to a RevPi