GATEWAY Module for Ethernet/IP FAQ

GATEWAY Module for Ethernet/IP FAQ

In the Link below, you can find the ESD file and the user Manuel.

Is it possible to give the RevPi Core S an additional network interface to integrate it into a second, physically separated LAN TCP/IP network?

Unfortunately, this will not work. The gateways are fieldbus slave gateways. In your case, it is an Ethernet/IP field bus (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/EtherNet/IP). It is not possible to use it as a "normal" network interface. If you need an additional network interface in the system, I would recommend a USB network adapter or the RevPi Connect S. Please have look here: (42) Gateway Ethernet/IP als "normale Netzwerkschnittstelle" einbinden. - Revolution Pi Forum

How can I query the status of the field bus of the other gateway?

Yes, have a look at the user manual there are the following registers available:


Why are there two RJ45 sockets for the connection

Only if a "Device Level Ring (DLR)", an optional feature of this fieldbus, is used for greater reliability (redundancy), both connections are required.

In addition, the two ports can be used to chain a number of devices without forming a DLR ring. (So you do not need a separate Ethernet switch to operate several devices on one PLC).

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