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PiCtory fix after upgrade from Stretch to Buster


After upgrading from Stretch to Buster, the application no longer works.


PiCtory is no longer installed in the directory "/var/www" since the Buster image 04/2021. PiCtory has moved to the directory "/var/www/revpi".

This has the consequence that after an upgrade from Stretch to Buster your application does not work anymore, because the “config.rsc” file is not found anymore.

To fix this problem we implemented another script /usr/sbin/ which is now part of the package “revpi-tools-1.0.15-2”.


  1. Upload the script to your RevolutionPi device i.e. like so:

  2. Execute the script after upgrading from Stretch to Buster:

sudo chmod u+x sudo /usr/sbin/

After successful execution your application should work again and PiCtory should show your last configuration

What does the script do:

  1. it creates the directory migration in “/home/pi” and saves the directories “/var/www/pictory/projects”, “/var/www/pictory/export”, “/var/www/data” and “/etc/apache2”.

  2. then the package apache2-bin and all dependent packages are uninstalled.

  3. then the directories “/var/www/data” and “/var/www/pictory” are deleted

  4. then the packages apache2, apache2-bin, libapache2-mod-php, pictory and revpi-webstatus are reinstalled. This will install the standard apache2 modules as well as php7. If you have more special modules still installed you have to reinstall them, because they might have been removed automatically during the uninstallation.

  5. the contents of the directories “/home/pi/migration/projects” are copied to “/var/www/revpi/pictory/projects”.

  6. the contents of the directory “/home/pi/migration/export” are copied to “/var/www/revpi/pictory/export”

  7. the contents of the “/home/pi/migration/data” directory are copied to “/var/www/revpi/data”.

  8. Apache2 is restarted and piControl is reinitialized via “piTest -x”.

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