KUNBUS-IC Profinet Firmware Update

KUNBUS-IC Profinet Firmware Update

Files needed

Pleasre request the required files from the KUNBUS Support team.

  • KUNBUS-IC Profinet: 1.5.12906


Make sure that the module is not disconnected from the power supply during the process

  1. Set IP address e.g. with the tool PRONETA from Siemens

  2. Connect to the module with a FTP program e.g. FileZilla.

    1. User: Admin

    2. Password: 1701

  3. Copy the KFU file into the root directory

  4. Copy the content of the folder "targetfiles" into the root directory

  5. Wait until all transfers have been completed successfully


  1. Now disconnect the device from power for at least 5 seconds

  2. Reconnect the circuit for at least 1 minute


You can check the firmware version via

  • Login on the web frontend

  • Calling the CDI menu "Module Information”

  • Query of the register 0x4009

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