KUNBUS-IC SPI Slave Application

KUNBUS-IC SPI Slave Application

We are going to setup an KUNBUS-IC EtherCAT Module as SPI Slave mode.

The SPI Master we are using is an Arduino DUE.

We are using the following equipment

Hardware Setup


  1. Connect the KIC Module with the Evaluation Board

  2. Setup the power supply i.e. 3.3 Volts

  3. Connect the CDI RS232 interface with your PC

  4. Run “devmgmt.msc” to open the device manager and see which COM port is used i.e COM4.

  5. Connect the wires from the Evaluation Board to the Arduino Due



KIC SPI Slave Setup

  1. Open PuTTy and setup the serial interface connection.

  2. Press "ESC" to update the terminal screen.

  3. Module Information

  4. Interface configuration

  5. SSC Communication


  6. Set SPI Slave Mode


  7. Configure actual selection


  8. SSC SPI Slave Settings - Configure 1


  9. Reset the Module - go back with “ESC” to Interface Configuration


Arduino SPI Master Setup

  1. Use the following code and upload it

SPI Transfer

Here is a SPI transfer with a logic analyzer.

The Slave Select line is high active.

Monitor SSC Input registers

You can monitor the transfer on the KIC. Press “ESC” to update.

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