



Is it possible to purchase a battery charger?

Yes, please contact our sales team.


Can the device generate log files of the communication that can be sent by mail?

Yes, all results are filed in a detailed test record. Up to 20 detailed test records can be filed and printed on a standard PC without any additional software.

Can the device also establish communication as master without control system?

Yes, the device has a so called DP Mono Master functionality. The I/O data of the connected DP Slaves can be visualised and modified without PLC.

Are there test labs that use the device?

Yes, there is, for example, the company Indu-Sol GmbH. They are using this device with their own brand label, called PROFtest II XL.

where can I find the Configuration-Software for the NetTEST II

You must contact support at support@kunbus.com.

I use a PROFIBUS NetTEST II and wondered if there was any requirement to have the equipment calibrated or checked?

The NetTEST II is a measuring device, therefore it should be calibrated regularly. We recommend calibrating the device at least once a year. Please send us a request for calibration to our sales department. See here https://www.kunbus.com/contact

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