If you have questions, feel free to contact us directly at sales@cloudrail.com
Is there an operating manual for RevPi Cloudrail? I couldn't find it on the official website.
the official CloudRail documentation is published under following link:
A quick start tutorial is published under following link:
Do i need a CloudRail Subscription if i use my own azure account
Yes, CloudRail always requires a CloudRail subscription. This is due to the fact that CloudRail is a managed service. The subscription includes things like the Device Management Cloud, support, remote security and feature updates and much more. There is a free developer plan for testing available.
Learn more about our pricing: https://cloudrail.com/pricing/
How to make CloudRailBox as a RevPi connect and what to pay special attention to?
When you flash one of our devices, you need to configure the device with
Device type
Serial number
Mac address
For a Cloudrail device, you should use the following values:
Device type: Connect
Serial number: any (ZB ': 1234)
Mac address: any valid Mac address
Note: The username is pi and the password is raspberry. Please pay attention to your keyboard layout when entering the password. E.g.: raspberrz instead of raspberry for an english keyboard.
Reference 1: (27) Flashing Buster image to Cloudrail - Revolution Pi Forum
If there are problems with registration in Pictory after that, proceed as follows:
If you have SSH connection:
You need to edit the login.json file:
Location: /var/www/data/login.json
Use a MD5 hash generator for the new password of your choice and enter it in the login.json file after the admin field and save it.MD5 generator online:
https://www.md5hashgenerator.com/You can then login with the pictory with admin and the new password of your choice. Reference 2: see here the same issue: https://revolutionpi.de/forum/viewtopic.php?p=7859&#p7859