You have a RevPi Module and you want to put CODESYS and the involved examples we deliver into operation? Then you are in the right place.
To get the Revolution Pi CODESYS examples up and running, the versions must be compatible.
In unlicensed demo mode, the runtime is stopped after approx. 2 hours.
Prerequisites for arm64
Device: RevPi Connect 4
- RevPi Bullseye 64-bit (04/2024)
- CODESYS Development System V3.5.20.0
- Revolution Pi Library for CODESYS V2.0.0.0 (ID: 8433)
- CODESYS Control for Linux ARM64 SL (ID: 8435) or higher
- PiCtory-Version: oder höher
Important Steps:
Check the currently installed PiCtory version:
dpkg-query -l | grep pictory
Install the latest PiCtory Debian packages:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install pictory
Restart CODESYS Control Linux ARM 64-bit after the PiCtory update:
To load the changes, either:
sudo service codesyscontrol restart
Installation of CODESYS Control Linux ARM 64-bit:
To install CODESYS Control Linux ARM 64-bit on RevPi devices with a Bullseye 64-bit image, use the following menu in the CODESYS Development System:
Tools -> Update Linux ARM 64
Prerequisites for armhf
Device: RevPi Connect 3+, RevPi connect SE, RevPi connect S, RevPi core 3+
- RevPi Bullseye 32-bit (04/2024)
- CODESYS Development System V3.5.20.0
- Revolution Pi Library for CODESYS V2.0.0.0 (ID: 8433)
- CODESYS Control for Linux ARM64 SL (ID: 8435) or higher
Important Steps:
Check the currently installed PiCtory version:
dpkg-query -l | grep pictory
Install the latest PiCtory Debian packages:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install pictory
Restart CODESYS Control Linux ARM 64-bit after the PiCtory update:
To load the changes, either:
sudo service codesyscontrol restart
Installation of CODESYS Control Linux ARM (32 bit) SL:
To install CODESYS Control Linux ARM on RevPi devices with a Bullseye 64-bit image, use the following menu in the CODESYS Development System:
Tools -> Update Linux ARM
You can watch Dirk’s helpful video tutorial here to view how easy it is to put everything in the right place:
Don't I still have to adapt a configuration file?
No, since PiCtory version or higher there is no need to manually configure the config.rsc PlaceholderFilePath in
Are my existing licenses valid if I switch from "CODESYS Control for Raspberry Pi" to "CODESYS Control Linux ARM SL"?
When switching to "CODESYS Control Linux ARM SL" the licenses for "CODESYS Control for Raspberry Pi" are no longer valid. Reactivating these licenses is not possible. To ensure you have the correct licenses for your system, please contact CODESYS directly.
Which license is the right one?
CODESYS FAQWhich CODESYS license can I use for my Revolution Pi device?
Where did the Raspberry Pi MC SL license go, or is there an alternative?