Revolution Pi Python Introduction

Revolution Pi Python Introduction

A quick and easy introduction to how to use the RevPi with the Python programming language.

Why Python?

LED switch with Python

  • Works like writing a "1" to the location in the process image where the RevPiLED is located

  • Where is the RevPiLED located in the process image?

  • Run the following command

piTest -v RevPiLED
  • At offset 119

# ledswitch1.py f=open("/dev/piControl0","wb+",0) f.seek(119) f.write(b'1') f.seek(119) f.write(b'0')

Read or write strings

The devices in PiCtory usually provide byte access to the data. You can test this example by using a Virtual Device 32 Bytes in PiCtory.

We read out the offset of “Output_1” variable. This may vary on your configuration, so be careful here.

pi@RevPi40302:~ $ piTest -v Output_1 variable name: Output_1 offset: 43 length: 8 bit: 0

Python example code

def writeString(offset, myString): f=open("/dev/piControl0","wb+",0) f.seek(offset) f.write(str.encode(myString)) def readString(offset, length): f=open("/dev/piControl0","wb+",0) f.seek(offset) my_string_as_bytes = f.read(length) return my_string_as_bytes.decode() writeString(43,'Hello World') readString(43,11) ' Hello World

Verify the contents of the process image with piTest

pi@RevPi40302:~ $ piTest -1 -r 43,11 72 101 108 108 111 32 87 111 114 108 100 pi@RevPi40302:~ $ piTest -1 -r 43,11,h 48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 57 6f 72 6c 64


  • Library developed from the RevPi community

  • Allows easy use of symbolic names from PiCtory

  • Installation not necessary, already on the device

  • Documentation

Switch the LED with RevPiModIO

import revpimodio2 rpi = revpimodio2.RevPiModIO(autorefresh=True) rpi.io.RevPiLED.value = 1 rpi.io.RevPiLED.value = 0 rpi.cleanup()

 Python I/O Bit Mirror

import revpimodio2 import time rpi = revpimodio2.RevPiModIO(autorefresh=True) while True: rpi.io.O_1.value = rpi.io.I_1.value time.sleep(0.02) revpi.cleanup()

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