RevPi Flat Backup and Restore Image

RevPi Flat Backup and Restore Image

Since the RevPi Flat does not have a USB OTG port, the RevPi Flat can NOT be flashed from the outside and not without additional hardware.

If your device is a RevPi Flat S Module, you don’t have to proceed here as the device has a USB OTG port.

So if you need to flash your customized image on a RevPi Flat or just want to create a clone of an image running on your RevPi Flat, please read the following instructions carefully on how to do so.

The warranty is voided by disassembly.


For this, you need a so-called evaluation board for the Compute Module 3 or a circuit board of a RevPi Core, RevPi Connect or RevPi Compact. For simplicity, we will just use the term Evaluation Board in our instruction sets, but the instructions also apply to the RevPi devices Core, Connect and Compact.
Additionally, you need two Micro USB cables for the startup of the evaluation board. One for the power supply and another for the data connection.

RevPi Flat 5.JPG
  • Open the case of the RevPi Flat

  • How to open a Revolution Pi Flat Module

  • Unscrew the two screws on the Compute Module.

  • Unlock the Compute Module.
    There are two clamps on both the short sides which lock the Compute Module. Move them carefully outwards to release the Compute Module.

Please ensure that all USB cables are disconnected from the evaluation board so that no voltage is applied.

  • Insert the Compute Module carefully into the evaluation board.

  • Connect the two USB cables to a host.

    • First, the left one.

    • Second, the right one.
      This ensures that the Compute Module does not boot, but can be used as a drive.

The further procedure to create or upload an image does not differ from other RevPi devices like RevPi Connect.

Please take a look at our tutorial chapter "How to Save and Install a new Image" of the RevPi Connect :

Another possibility is described in our video tutorial “Tutorial 01 – Creation of an image“:



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