For more details about how to configure the static IP with nmtui see here. This is an example of how you can step by step configure a static IP for a Revolution Pi.
How to configure connect 4 to a Wi-Fi Network?
Here's a step-by-step guide for setting up WLAN on the RevPi Connect 4
Option 1: Using the Terminal (nmtui):
Open the terminal
sudo nmtui
and press Enter.In the menu, select "Activate a connection" and then choose your Wi-Fi network.
Enter the Wi-Fi password when prompted.
Option 2: Using Terminal (nmcli)
Open the terminal
Set Your Country:
Code Block sudo raspi-config nonint do_wifi_country DE
This command sets the Wi-Fi regulatory domain to the specified country (in this case, Germany - DE). It's important to configure this setting to comply with local regulations.
Check Wi-Fi Radio Status:
Code Block nmcli radio wifi
This command checks the status of the Wi-Fi radio. It will indicate whether the Wi-Fi radio is enabled or disabled.
Enable Wi-Fi Radio:
Code Block sudo nmcli radio wifi on
If the Wi-Fi radio is not already enabled, this command turns it on.
List of Available Wi-Fi Networks:
Code Block nmcli dev wifi list
This command lists the available Wi-Fi networks in the vicinity along with their signal strength, security type, and other relevant information.
Connect to Wi-Fi Network:
Code Block sudo nmcli --ask dev wifi connect YourWiFiSSID
Replace "YourWiFiSSID" with the name (SSID) of your Wi-Fi network.
This command prompts you to enter the Wi-Fi password. Once entered, it establishes a connection to the specified Wi-Fi network.
Replace "YourWiFiSSID" with your Wi-Fi network name.
Enter the Wi-Fi password when prompted.
Option 3: Using the Graphical Desktop Interface:
Click on the Wi-Fi icon in the top-right corner of the desktop.
A list of available Wi-Fi networks will appear.
Click on your Wi-Fi network and enter the password when prompted.
These steps should help you connect your RevPi Connect 4 to your Wi-Fi network.